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Astrophil and Stella 
The Iris Way
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
Only noble souls were allowed to see the ethereal iris of the heavenly bodies. 
Like magical eyes, they watched over the galaxies, and by scattering their luminous dust they created a silvery mixture that vibrated in the purest and most regal hearts, in an enchanting harmony whose secret was known only to the stars. 
A classic fragrance revisited with legendary mastery in a contemporary style. The freshness of lemon leaves, accompanied by the aromatic notes of elemi, embrace a soft middle. Iris caresses the skin, releasing a sweet and sensual harmony. Myrrh gives a mysterious accent with its warm, smoky and balsamic notes. The note of musk provides a clean base; the sweet notes of vanilla and warm amber give character and personality. 
Perfumer: Conceived in Milan by Luca Maffei 
Top notes 
Elemi, lemon leaves 
Heart notes 
Iris absolute, myrrh 
Base notes 
Amber, musk, vanilla 

The Iris Way 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002158671

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