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Eau de Parfum 15 ml 


Splendiris is a fragrance in whose heart the passion of the whole life resides surrounded by infinite layers of Iris tenderness. A multi-dimensional unique and natural perfume. 


Splendiris was chosen by Fragrantica’s Editors as the “Best Perfumes of 2019”. It is also in the top ten of the “Best Niche Perfume 2019” of Fragrantica Reader’s Choices. 


Olfactive Notes 
The Opening, 

An invigorating citrus accord - cheerful Bergamot, clean green Mandarin Capua, and refreshing Orange Sanguine, joined by intensive green Violet Leaf Absolute, earthy Fig Leaf, and herbaceous, vivacious Carrot Seed Oil. 


At the Heart, 
Sweet Oris Butter from the Iris, subtle notes of Violet, in harmony with delicate Rose de Mai and the honey and; tea undertones of Jasmine Sambac. 


The Base Notes, 
Warm, balsamic Vanilla Absolute meets n’ greets smooth rich Cedarwood Oil, a deep, woody Vertiver Oil, with a soupçon of exclusive, addictive Ambergris for a long and sensual dry down. 


Made in France 

Splendiris 15 ml | DUSITA

SKU: 3770030072526

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