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Atelier Des Ors 

Nuda Veritas 

Eau de Parfum 100 ml 


A floral, fresh, and pure fragrance 


Nuda Veritas signifies the beginning of a spiritual quest on the search for happiness. 


The perfume unfolds with a delicate floral heart of jasmine and osmanthus encased in layers of textural whiteness, full of hope and yearning. Humanity is connected to the earth and minerals through hints of moss. We look to the sky and seek the naked truth, laid bare in a transparent, watery haze with hints of patchouli and the gentle caress of ambroxan. 


A serene moment, simple and true… 


Top notes 
Bergamot, transluzone, orange flower petals 
Heart notes 
Jasmine Sambac, jasmine absolute, osmanthus absolute, tiare flower 
Base notes 
Patchouli, tagetes absolute, ambroxan, musk, oakmoss 

Nuda Veritas 100 ml | Atelier Des Ors

SKU: 3760027140345

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