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Eau de Parfum 50 ml


"Spices were an integral part of my father's life; he enjoyed them in food, as well as in fragrances. To him, they represented the voyages he made, and the ones he dreamt of; all the people he met around the globe, and the ones he hoped to meet..." Pissara Umavijani 


Olfactive Notes 


The opening, 
a gentle cloud of spices (Saffron, Nutmeg, Coriander, Cinnamon, Oregano) 
contrasted with the tonifying energy of Petitgrain 
and the subtly gourmand character of the perfumer’s own Dried Fruit Accord. 


At the heart, 
the deep, soulful beauty of Orris Butter, 
meets the lush floralcy of May and Damask Rose, 
Jasmine Sambac and Ylang-Ylang, 
along with the edgy undercurrent 
of a soft Leather Accord and Tobacco accents. 


The Base Notes, 
the precious Oud Palao shines 
in all its complex olfactive glory 
with emphasis on suavity, accompanied by Patchouli, 
Sandalwood, Vetiver, Cedarwood, 
Oakwood, and Tonka Bean. 

Montri 50 ml | DUSITA

SKU: 3770014241375

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