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Astrophil and Stella 
Madame M 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
When the city turns chilly, her maison derrière comes ablaze with clandestine lights. When vices and virtues merge into a single homage to life, the mask falls and all humanity feels the dominance of the most divine part of its nature. That is, it feels that all moral effects are in a state of undisturbed serenity. 
A perfume that goes against social conventions, a timeless erotic symbiosis. Madame m is a veil of mystery, a sensual and carnal scent. 
“Tout voir, tout entendre et ne rien dire” 
Guatemalan cardamom oil expresses its charm while cocoa absolute, a hint of pear and carrot oil give the fragrance just the right amount of sweetness. Hedione, Virginia cedar oil and patchouli oil inflame desire. Cistus labdanum projects into a world where everything is permitted and every desire is legitimate. 
Perfumer: Conceived in Paris by Natalie Feisthauer 
Top notes 
Bergamot from italy, cardamom oil from guatemala, pear note 
Heart notes 
Hedione, jasmine, cocoa absolute, carrot oil from France, cedarwood oil from Virginia 
Base notes 
Patchouli oil, cistus oil from Spain, labdanum resin, vanilla, benzoin resin from Siam, tonka bean, cashmeran, ambrette, musks 

Madame M 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002159807

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