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HEELEY Parfums 
Cologne Officinale 
Eau de Parfum 100 ml 
Marseille 'Extra'
A landscape unfolds into the azure-blue Mediterranean. Aromatic, green herbs, lavender, rosemary, and sage are woven over a covering of dry woods, oak moss, and oriental amber to evoke the fusion of Provence with the vibrance of the Orient that is unequivocally Marseille. This scent was inspired by the photographer Olivier Amsellem, the owner and founder of the concept store Jogging, who has his finger on the pulse of contemporary living in Marseille. 
Fragrance Family: Woody, Green 
♂  On the Corniche at 6 in the morning. 
♀  Gina Jimenez bathing in the Calanques (video by Olivier Amsellem). 
Top notes 
Fresh Basil 
Heart notes 
Lavender, Sage, Rosemary 
Base notes 
Oak Moss, Amber

Cologne Officinale 100 ml | HEELEY Parfums

SKU: 3700490501625

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