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James HEELEY Parfums


Eau de Parfum 100 ml


Scent from the Gods


According to ancient Greek mythology, the first fig tree was created when the rebellious Sykeus was turned into the same by his mother, Gaia, Goddess of the Earth, saving him from the wrath of Zeus.


‘Athenean’ is a reworking of ‘Figuier’, one of the earlier scents in the collection. Here, the emphasis is on the fragrant wood of the fig tree. Aquatic green notes are balanced with warm, undertones of sandalwood, musk and amber.


♂ Tanned, dressed all in white, sandals, no sunglasses.
♀ Fashion girls out to lunch. Roquette salad and spring water.


Top notes

Green Leaves, Galbanum

Heart notes
Fig, White Tea, Melon

Base notes

Amber, Musk, Sandalwood

Athenean 100 ml | HEELEY Parfums

SKU: 3700490501205

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