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Astrophil and Stella 
8 Days a Week 
Extrait de Parfum 50 ml 
Desire fuelled a passionate flame in Astrophil’s soul, a fire that the space and time of this world were not enough to contain. In every instant, every suggestion carried him to the cosmos alongside Stella. He closed his eyelids, taking a deep breath and allowed his senses to ascend to her, following the trails of comets beyond the galaxies. 
A sparkling harmony of citrus and floral notes mix with absolute pearls of orange blossom and jasmine, invigorated by a final blend of patchouli, with woody and musky notes. 
Perfumer: Conceived in Paris by Cecile Zarokian 
Top notes 
Black currant, green notes, mandarin, pink pepper 
Heart notes 
Iris, jasmine sambac absolute, orange blossom absolute 
Base notes 
Cedarwood, musk, patchouly 

8 Days a Week 50 ml | Astrophil and Stella

SKU: 8055002158374

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